WISDOM FOR FAMILY PROGRESS – PART 2 – Pastor David Ibiyeomie || Wisdom For Family Progress Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 21st April 2024 || Second Service.

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-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on WISDOM FOR FAMILY PROGRESS – PART 2 || Wisdom For Family Progress Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 21st April 2024 || Second Service.

-Lord, breathe upon Your Word that each person will go home with a specific Word for the next phase of our lives in the precious name of Jesus.

You’re welcome to the Month Of Wisdom For Greater Exploits. Daniel 11:32b. But exploits are done with wisdom. Today’s message is WISDOM FOR FAMILY PROGRESS – PART 2. A family is a group of individuals living together under one roof, usually under one head. It is divinely created as a result of marriage. Family comes through marriage between a male and female who become parents and then they produce children or adopt children who are committed to producing values, character, etcetera through love, discipline and by examples. Church Gist. You find out that if you look at Genesis and if you look at Matthew 1, it said: ‘And this beget this’!!! They’re trying to trace the lineage of that family. And when a lineage is lost, you see them say: ‘Oh! I can’t find my root’. Just like the slaves, most of them, they can’t trace their lineage anymore because somewhere along the line, they were moved to other places. So now that they are born again, you have a new family – the Family of Jesus. Is that true?

But if your family must be progressive, if your family must be stable, (if) your family must be built, (if) your family has to be the best He wants, there are three things that I will show you from Scriptures that must be in place. If those things are not in place, no matter what you do, you can’t enjoy peace in your family, you can’t enjoy progress in your family, you can’t enjoy success in your family. Turn with me to Proverbs 24:3-4, that’s the Key Scripture for today. That word: ‘House’ is not talking about building, it’s talking about families. Is that true? Three words stood out in those two verses of Scriptures: Knowledge, understanding and wisdom. These are three things that every family needs. Church Gist. If you look at that Scripture, they didn’t say through kissing, they didn’t say through sex. He said: Through knowledge! Sex is not mentioned there, not that sex is not important but that’s not mentioned there. Have you not seen somebody say: ‘I love you’? And then the next very week, you’re divorced. So, love is not even mentioned there, I love you is not mentioned. So love is not enough to keep a family. Say I hear! ‘You didn’t tell me you love me’, it doesn’t keep the family because it’s not mentioned there. So what is it that keeps the family? Knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Shout hallelujah! So these three things are needed for any family, or marriage or home or house to make outstanding progress. But we’ll be taking them in sequence because I taught in the First Service; I will lay this foundation in all services.

  1. Knowledge.
    The word: ‘Knowledge’ means information. If any family must be progressive or stand the test of time, the husband and wife must have relevant information concerning the family. John 8:32. The word: ‘Truth’ is original information, that’s what ‘truth’ means. You shall know the original information and then that original information shall set your family free. John 8:32. People of God, hear this! My best man just spoke with me now, we laughed over it but it looks simple. Church Gist. He said he went for a driving test in Maryland in (the) United States. The test was so difficult, for the driving test. Before you do a driving test in the Western World, they must give you lectures, you must do theoretical lectures, they give you a manual to read, then they will give you a test, they will even tell you: ‘This test you didn’t pass it’. You don’t just go, walk in and say: ‘I need licence’. No! You go through a process. You must have relevant information on how to drive on the road, so you find out that the cars of people last longer than their marriages because they know how to utilize the car on the road.

You went to school, some of you spent years – 17 years, some even 18 years; primary school, secondary school, university. So when you come out, you have so much knowledge of your career. True? No matter the challenges, you stay in your career. Am I talking? Now, you got into marriage you had no knowledge. How do you think you would succeed? (Laughing). In fact, if it is the Government, they just say: ‘Two of you, do you want to marry’? ‘Yes’! ‘Fill this document’. They don’t even tell you anything, they just say: ‘Fill this paper’. Church Gist. So no test! So, the Government is more interested even in your driving than your marriage. They feel like on their road you can kill but marriage, you can divorce. So you see that marriages crash even from the court. Nothing can take the place of knowledge, it is irreplaceable. Before you go to marry or you’re married, you must have proper information about marriage and family. Say I hear! Nobody can last in any venture where you don’t have knowledge of it. Am I talking? People think they know about marriage, you don’t know it. If you know it, you won’t take the steps you’re taking. So, increase in knowledge brings stability in the marriage and family.

  1. Understanding.
    But hear this and hear me well! Understanding is that ability to interpret life as God sees it. That you attend a class does not mean you understand the lectures. You are in class, if you understood, you would have passed. The boy who had ‘A’ and the man who had ‘F’, they were in the same class. They were given the same lectures but the other one did not understand. Understanding is the ability to comprehend what you have been taught. Church Gist. Is that clear sir? Are you hearing me, sir? So many people have known about marriage, they know about family but they have no understanding of it. Something happened to a man in Acts 8:27-37, the Man called Ethiopian Eunuch, Philip met him and said: ‘Understandest what thou readest’? So I ask you: ‘You want to marry, so you understandest what you’re going into or understandest what you’re in’? Do you really understand what marriage is? It’s a lie, many don’t understand. They’re in it but they lack understanding.

That you’re a man of God does not mean you understand marriage, that’s an assumption. Say I hear! And if I want to understand something, even in the natural, I don’t ask somebody else, I ask the manufacturer of anything. For instance, if I want to have (an) understanding of this microphone, it would be stupid for me to go and ask Coca-Cola. They may be bigger than this Company but I have to ask this Company of what this microphone can do. Church Gist. True? Because Coca-Cola is not the manufacturer of this microphone. Any product you want to understand, the only person you ask is who? The manufacturer. And the manufacturer does something in any product you want to buy, they put the manual at the top. They will tell you: ‘Read this manual before operating this gadget’. True? The sole manufacturer of marriage and family is God. It’s not the State, it’s not your culture, it’s God that instituted the marriage. That’s the first institution of God – The family.

If I must know about the family and marriage, I must go to the originator of it – God and His manual is the Word of God. Say I hear! Are you getting what I’m talking about? So any other book outside the Word of God is an opinion, it’s not the truth. Anything outside the Word of God is somebody’s opinion, not the truth. A psychologist can’t give you an answer because he’s not the manufacturer. Church Gist. God’s Word is the only solution to all crises in families and marriages. So, I must understand what this Book is saying concerning marriage. Are you getting me, sir? I must understand what this Book is saying concerning family, that means I have the responsibility to search it out. And knowledge is not a gift, you buy books and read. You must read it.

So you know you can never drive in the Western World until you read the manual. You must read that manual because they will ask you questions. But today, you’re going to marry, you’ve not read one book on marriage. ‘Join us! We love each other’. Love is not enough, it will crash without knowledge. ‘I love him! You know? The guy looks good, he’s tall’, it will crash without knowledge and understanding. Church Gist. ‘I like that kind of person because he has a pointed nose’. Glory to God! ‘Very tall and slim. I like him’, it will crash because that is not enough. ‘He can kiss me deep’, it will crash; kissing is not mentioned there. Shout hallelujah! ‘When he sleeps with me, I love it’, it will crash. Sleeping is not mentioned there. Knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Say I hear.

  1. Wisdom.
    It’s not enough to know a thing. Anything you know (and) you don’t apply is foolishness. Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge. So if I understand that I have knowledge of marriage and family, I now understand it; I have to apply what I understand. Are you getting me, sir? It’s not enough for me to know it, I must apply what I know. Matthew 7:24. Church Gist. You’re not wise if you’re not doing what you know. I said something, the medical doctor knows that smoking is dangerous to health but he smokes, is he a wise man? No! That’s the doctor that is very foolish. Knowing the truth and not applying the truth makes you foolish.

Matthew 7:24. The Rock is the Word of God. It (The Rain) beats upon the family, that’s the meaning, it didn’t fall. Matthew 7:26-27. He (the foolish man) built his house on social media, that’s sand; all philosophies of men, on ideologies of men. The two things happened to two of them, the same thing. Why did it fall? One was built on this Word, one was built on social media. The thing making you to divorce, somebody passed through it and came out of it. Are you getting me? Church Gist. The thing making you to quarrel everybody in your family, somebody else was able to make peace with it. Challenges come to the two, it depends on your level of knowledge. Are you getting me, sir? Your children are giving you headache, somebody else’s children came with problems and they were able to manage them and turn them to become better. Say I hear! What is it? Knowledge! So your family must be built on the Manufacturer’s Manual. You operate with the Manufacturer’s what? Manual.

I said something, it would be stupid for you to get angry with an electronics you bought and they said: “Read this manual” and then you didn’t read it. You’re now angry! “This thing is not working! This is not working! Stupid manufacturer!” They said: “Read this manual.” You bought a camera, they said: “Read it!”. You don’t know how to operate the camera. You say: “It’s a useless camera, it cannot even snap.” You don’t even know where to press to snap. You’re now angry, you throw the camera on the ground. Church Gist. What is the business with the manufacturer? He said: “Read this what?” (Manual). You’re trying to enter into marriage to operate marriage when you have not even read the Manual of marriage. Are you getting me, sir? Stop being angry over what you have not found out. I said: Anything outside the original manual is opinion. I said something in the First Service, we are heavenly citizens on Earth so we must bring Heaven’s culture where? On the Earth. As heavenly citizens, we have our own laws and rules on the Earth.

Philippians 3:20. We are not to be ruled by earthly laws, we are supposed to bring heavenly culture into the earthly realm. Is that clear sir? We have our own way of life, we have our own culture. Our culture is the Word of God. Say I hear. We are not to walk by the worldly standards, the world should copy us and walk like us. But today, the Church is trying to walk like the world. It’s an abnormality. Church Gist. Are you getting me now? You say: ‘Well! That celebrity, after all the man, this is what he did’ – That is the world. Church Gist. Is that what the Word of God says? Say I hear. So we have to bring our lifestyle to redirect, to restructure, to rediscover the truth for the society. So the society is supposed to copy us, not we copying the society. Shout hallelujah! And in the First Service, I said: What is the purpose of the family? I talked on that, I can’t go back to that. I said fundamental truths about the what? Family. And I was able to share four of them.

In the first four, let me just summarize them because I wanted to finish. I said:
i. The family is where children are raised, not school, not institutions like juvenile centers.
ii. Every society is a true reflection of the family.
iii. The sanctity of the family is the bedrock for human survival and security.
iv. The family is the place for preservation of godly generational values
v. Children should first be educated in the family.
Now for instance, when I mean education, it’s not school because you may not. But sex education must be given first in the family. Teach them first at home, avoid children to be miseducated. What do I mean? When you hear ‘sex’, your mind will just go: ‘What is the Pastor talking about’? Your daughter must know when she starts seeing red what it means. You don’t say: “It’s not in school she will know?” You say: “Look! When you’re of this age, blood will come out of your body.” This is the meaning. ‘My son, when you’re of this age, a woman begins to look for you, don’t go until you get married. Church Gist. My daughter, man and woman at so, so, age they get married. Not woman and woman because every lesbianism starts from boarding house. You’re a boy? It is not man and man. Any man that approaches you is against the Bible, God is against homosexuality, it’s not accepted by God.” You give him the sex education from where? Home. It’s not in school otherwise they tell him: “O boy! This thing does not matter, when you are very moved you can satisfy yourself with another woman.” And the girl does not know. Say I hear. Turn with me to Leviticus 18:22 (NLT). Let’s read Bible because today, people even quote saying: “Is it really wrong to be an homosexual?” Even in Church here, they are.

There are people who sleep with their fellow women, let’s see from the Bible whether it’s correct. Am I the writer of the Bible? Tell your children it’s against the Bible. In case you’re sleeping with your fellow man, you’re already mad. You have a demonic and psychiatric problem. And if you’re a woman sleeping with your fellow woman, please the madness has increased. God did not create woman and woman, He created man and woman. Not Eve and Evelyn, not Adam and Steve. Please, stop that habit, it’s not of God. Say I hear. They practice it in Churches, it’s common, please stop. Church Gist. Leviticus 20:13a (NLT). Say I hear! You know? Even people say: ‘To put tattoo now is it a wrong thing’? You know people put tattoo now. True? They say: “It’s not wrong! Show me one Bible that shuns tattoos.” Leviticus 19:28 (NLT). So show your children: This is the Word of God then the child will know it’s wrong. So teach them sex education where? At home. The State can’t do that! The State can give information but not values. You’re a Kingdom person so your children should be different. Deuteronomy 11:18-21. Shout hallelujah! Fill your home with God’s instruction. Let the children know God’s Word. That’s how to raise a family. Say I hear.

Responsibilities Of The Men.
Because family is made of a man, a woman and children. Are you getting what I’m saying now? And other dependents. Is that true? But what are the responsibilities of the men?

  1. The family is the true test of your relationship with God – For every man.
    To succeed in business and career and to fail in family is to fail in life. For every man, please, every man know this. The word: ‘Husband’ means: ‘House bond’ from the Latin word, the original Latin word. It means you’re the one to bond the house. You’re the glue, the man is the glue. Church Gist. Do you hear me? Are you getting me? Who bonds the house is the man, that’s why a woman will leave her father’s name to answer your name. You’re the glue! I come again, that’s why they call you: Father! They didn’t call you… They say: ‘Our father’, that means you are the provider. ‘Our father’ means ‘Abba’ in the original Hebrew word. And ‘Abba’ means the provider. So (in) every family, the man is the provider.

1 Timothy 5:8. I was studying and I stumbled into a deep insight. And I shared it in the early Online Morning Devotion. Do you know when a baby is born, the mother takes care of the baby, she provides everything for the baby? True? You see the baby, she will say: “I want to take care of my baby”. You see a mother is so tied to the baby is that true? Now! It’s Scriptural when you call your wife: ‘Baby’. Àsk me why? God created her and brought her to you for you to take care of her to take her up. Church Gist. Oya come with me, I will show you from Bible. It was not God that called the Woman, Eve it was Adam. He was the one that gave her name. God only sent her to him to bring her up. Genesis 3:20. Who called her (Eve)? Adam! Not God! She was the mother of all living. He brought her, so he said: “Hey! This my babe, Eve.” God took her to Adam to raise her up and when Adam could not manage her well, we saw the problem. So when your wife comes, it’s your duty to take your wife up. That’s why the man must be very knowledgeable before he marries. Are you getting what I am saying?

Management of the home is the greatest test of man’s leadership. Your leadership is not just ‘I’m the head’, the greatest test of a man’s leadership is management of the home. Don’t get married if you’re not mature to raise the wife you want to marry. You must have vast knowledge of marriage and family. Ephesians 6:4. That is, bring your children up, nurture them. Church Gist. That word nurture means to raise up, is that true? I got deep understanding: Women have a role to train children but the man have a very deep role, I will tell you why. The word: ‘Train’ up a child. Proverbs 22:6. That word ‘train’, if you know the natural train. The train is not that long thing, that’s not the train; the train is only the head the rest are called coaches. Now the head of the family is who? The man. So anywhere the head goes that’s where the coaches go. True?

So God is saying take the coaches – Your wife and children tied to you, the head and anywhere you go that’s where they go; so you’re the one who will train them. You don’t say: ‘Go to Church’. You say: ‘Let’s go to Church’. So you get up and say: We will go to Church now. ‘You know say my wife takes them to Church’, that is not training. He said you are the train so you take the lead. You don’t tell them: ‘Don’t do this’ and you do it. Church Gist. Whatever you don’t want your children to do, you don’t do it. And whatever you want them to do, you will take the lead. Say I hear. If you want them to read, then start reading. So training should not be left in the hands of the women alone. Acquire knowledge as a man to train. The problem with today’s society is: Men have no knowledge yet they’re going into marriages, they want to raise up families. So we have problems of all kinds. The men are not knowledgeable!

You see the train? That head is the train, the rest are called coaches. So train up! Get up and say: ‘My son, my daughter, we’re going to Church’. Check any family where the father is dedicated, the children are dedicated. Check any house! Any house where only the mother is dedicated except God helps them if they have boys. Hmm! I know a family in this Church where the two young men who are overseas don’t go to Church. Church Gist. In fact, two of them are in Egypt, their father is not serious. He’s almost 80 years (old) but he’s not a serious man. His two sons, none of them go to Church. And when I traced it, it’s the father’s behaviour. No man who is not serious with God can his children be serious with God. ‘My wife carried them’, you’re deceiving yourself. So see knowledge here, knowledge is not free. You have Chemistry carryover, you’re reading Biology. Your family is not working, sit down with these books.

Life story! I was talking to pastors not from this Ministry, from different ministries. The only person who is from this Ministry was Pastor Charles, the rest are from other ministries. And I said: ‘Okay! Please ask me questions’ and I gave it open for them to ask me questions and one of them said: ‘Sir, I’m already divorced so what do I do’? I said: ‘Where’s your wife’? He said: ‘She’s gone’! You heard him share the testimony on Sunday? Yes from Kaduna (State). I didn’t pray for him, I didn’t counsel him, I didn’t do anything, I just said: ‘Take these books, Pastor. Go and eat them’. And he shared testimony on Sunday, he said he was surprised I didn’t pray for him I said: ‘This is the materials, eat them you will discover where you missed it’. Church Gist. After the materials, how he did his marriage, it’s only him who knows. But he’s here to testify that his marriage is what? Restored. He never had proper information. That you’re a pastor does not mean you know. A professor of Mathematics will fail English if he does not consult (an) English teacher. You fail in marriage, go back to knowledge. And knowledge is not assumed. Anything outside this Bible is an opinion, you shall know original information. The men have you heard me now? Go for what? (Knowledge). By knowledge, you know: Love your wife. I don’t want to go on to those… If you don’t have knowledge will you love her? No!

Responsibility Of The Women.
The wife is the God-ordained helper of the man. Genesis 2:18. She ensures that her husband does not fail in his assignments. She does everything else to ensure that the family does not break down. The wife also has the great responsibility to train the children well because she spends more time with them. Bishop Oyedepo made a statement, he said if my family is successful, it’s because of my wife. Won’t you be happy your husband refers to (it) that you really helped him to succeed? Church Gist. She ensures they are properly brought up exhibiting godly character. She must be hospitable. The more hospitable the woman is, the more blessed the home becomes because distribution is the only way to multiplication. Any house you go (to) and you don’t eat food, it is the woman because she controls the kitchen. A wife promotes her husband by giving him respect and dignity that is due him. The wife must operate in the platform of submission. Submission does not mean slavery, it means coming down under the rules of God.

Finally hear this, so women you go back to what? Knowledge. Men, you go back to what? Knowledge. Understand the knowledge and then apply the knowledge, you will have peace. There will be progress. You can’t apply what you don’t know. So all this deliverance you’re doing is not necessary. All the all-night prayers, they’re not what? Go for knowledge. Say I hear. ‘That my wife is somehow’, two of you lack what? Knowledge. Two of you are ignorant. That you have been born again for 50 years does not mean that you have knowledge. Church Gist. Age does not guarantee a pass on (an) exam you failed, otherwise, they should give WAEC (certificate) to those who failed it when they were 17 (years old) and then give them when they are 80 (years old). If you fail at 17 (years old), you will rewrite it even if you’re 80 years (old), otherwise, they will not give you WAEC certificate. Finally, all members of the family must have these qualities. Let me say the qualities you must have. Every member of the family: Husband, children, wife, dependents, housemaids – everybody must have these qualities:

  1. Accountability.
    Don’t give money and you don’t account for it. Please everyone in the family must be accountable. When your husband gives you money, tell him: ‘This is how I spend the money’. A good man does not need it but tell him, I learnt it from Bishop Oyedepo. Church Gist. My wife tells me, her money, I’m not interested but any money I give to her she tells me: ‘This is how I spent it, this is the balance’ and I will never take it. A good man will never take it but you should be accountable. Don’t give your children money and they don’t tell you how they spent the money. They must tell you: ‘Mummy, the money you gave to me this is how I spent it’. Are you getting me, sir?
  2. Responsibility.
    Everybody must be what? Responsible. Every member of the family must be responsible. You should be responsible to know what to do per time. Church Gist. Is that true? If they said 6:00 is for prayers they don’t need to remind you in the 6:00. You should be responsible.
  3. Morality cum values.
    Everybody must be morally sound and must have values. In our family, we don’t steal. Why did you go to steal? We don’t steal in this family. Church Gist. They must have what? Values. This family does not cheat, what is wrong with you? The family must have what? Values – Godly values I mean.
  4. Respect for each other.
    I’m standing in the altar, I’ve never stood in (front of) my elder brother to argue with him. I only corrected my elder brother as a pastor when one day there was a wedding and he did not come, I said: ‘Brother, what you did is wrong’. I was trained never to exchange words with my elder brother. When you see junior talking to the (elder), you are not trained. Church Gist. Some even argue with their parents. Biologically, where I came from, my younger brother cannot stand to challenge me. I’ve never stood in front of my elder brother to challenge him. When you see such you know there’s no respect. You tell the junior: ‘That’s your elder brother, don’t talk to him anyhow’. There are women who don’t respect – Wife. And wife who doesn’t respect husband. Everyone must learn respect, it’s a value for all.
  5. Self worth.
    Everybody must know the value of who they are in Christ.
  6. Must control their emotions.
    Every member of the family must control their emotions. (Illustrating). It is not godly, you’re not the only warrior; everyday people hear your voice. No! Control your emotions, bring them into subjection. Church Gist. Every time your whole neighbours know you people are shouting family. No! Control your emotions. (Illustrating). Control your emotions. You stay at the gate: ‘I go show you say I be man’.
  7. Must believe in the Word of God as the final authority on any issue.
    Once anybody in the family is arguing, you say: ‘This is what the Bible says’. They say: ‘O pari’ (Translated in Yoruba Language: It is finished), case closed. It will never come to a time in a family where you say: ‘The Word of God said so’ and somebody says: ‘I don’t believe in the Word of God’. Something is wrong then. The Word becomes the final authority. Anything the Bible says is final. Then your family can make progress. Rise to your feet! Shout hallelujah! So number one, you must have what? Knowledge. Church Gist. Number two, you must understand. Number three, you must walk in wisdom – that is, apply what you know. With these three things, life can go forward. So don’t assume, go and get these materials. Don’t say: ‘I know about marriage’, you don’t know. Brother, you don’t know. In case you know, the what you know is not enough. Some even say: ‘Paper’? Yet they fail. They say: ‘Extra paper’, exam! ‘Extra paper’! (Laughing). Yet they give them 30. If what you know has not brought peace and progress then you don’t know it. The information you have is not complete. Yes, you wrote things but you didn’t write the facts, you wrote only what you know and the examiner looked at you and said: ‘Nonsense!! 30’. So the thing you’re writing is not bringing peace, go back to knowledge.

I told them, I said marriage class, before it used to be three months. Now, I’ve noticed that people are having too many problems in the Church, so I said 6 months, even the 6 months I’m trying to change (it) to 9 months. So that people will sit down to acquire knowledge. In fact with the 9 months, some even when they start class, they will back out because they will say: ‘Ah! This woman is not the kind of person who is qualified for me. Ah! I didn’t know. No need’! Because even the men, some people… ‘From what I know now, you are not the one’. But when you don’t have such knowledge you can just go in. Some of you who are married today if you know, you can’t marry the person (you married). So, now you have knowledge, so you say: ‘This person, is he qualified for me to marry’? Church Gist. If we don’t extend it to 9 months, except God speaks to me. 9 months! Because you took 17-18 years to go to school. Marriage for a lifetime, some even, no class. 3 months is not enough oo, 6 months is what we’re doing now but I will increase it to 9 (months) so by the time you enter, you know so much that divorce will never come to you. It won’t even occur to you. You’ll be laughing, you will say: ‘No! I have so much knowledge to divorce’. It’s both male and female. We are going to pray! In fact, you don’t need too much prayer here, what else are you praying? You have been praying since, doing midnight prayer – midnight prayer wey no get head. Abeg! We have prayer points here but I’m looking at it whether the prayer points sef whether we go pray am.


In Jesus’ mighty name. Now for those who desire to marry. I saw something in my studies in Psalm 68:6 (NIV). Who are the lonely people? People who are supposed to marry but are not married in families. Did you hear that? That’s when somebody is single and you decide to marry, He will set you in what? In families. How many desire to marry? – Male and female. Now lift your hands, you will be surprised.

  • I decree from this Service, anybody who said: ‘I want to marry, I want to have my own family’, receive it now in the name of Jesus.
    -Whatever is delaying you to get married, your children to get married, your grandchildren to get married, you can stand for somebody. Church Gist. It must not be only you; some of you, your children need to marry, your sister needs to marry, your brother needs to marry. Now! I decree! Everyone, you are desiring or you want to marry; I command you: ‘Get married in the name of Jesus’! By the Service of this day, every delay is broken. The Lord give your own husband, give your own wife in the name of Jesus. You will have your own family. If you believe it for yourself or for somebody as you say Amen a miracle is born. In the name of Jesus!
    -Now! Every family will make progress! With what we’ve heard, we will make progress.

In the Third Service, I’m not gonna repeat any service the same, every service I’m gonna progress. Is that true? I’m gonna talk in a different thing altogether in the Third Service. I will talk about even money, how families should handle money. Don’t pretend not to talk about money in your family. I’m talking about that in the Fourth Service. Your family should talk about money. How should… that’s (why) you see some people no talk about money they now go to school bigger than the husband’s salary then they come under pressure. So, we talk about the money, is that true? I will tell you how to talk about money. You go and get a school in Canada and put yourself in the can. The man does not have money for Canada but you say your friend sends her child, you too you send your child to Canada and then after one year school fees you can’t pay the second year. You’ll start worrying everybody! So instead of being in the can to send somebody to Canada… That you are in U.K. does not mean everything will be okay. You can be in U.S. and be useless if you don’t have wisdom. You can be in U.S. and be useless, you can be in the U.K. and not be okay, you can be in Canada and be in the can if you don’t know what to do. So, apply wisdom! You must be born again! Wisdom is very important. I’ve never been under pressure, I like to live my life as I have my income. I hate to be under financial pressure. You know why? Don’t live above your income. I will teach that! Don’t live above what? (Your income). Whatever you don’t have, don’t push yourself to have it. Families are under pressure because they’re living above their size. I will teach that!









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