- Apostle Joshua Selman at Koinonia on ‘MARVELOUS LIGHT’ (Part 1).
Thank the Lord for His love over your life and over your destiny. Thank Him from the depth of your heart. Thank You Jesus; thank You for life and preservation. We give You all the praise, for in Jesus’ name we pray.
Let me start tonight by officially saying a Happy New Year to Everyone. That means, everything that wants to fight this year from being happy for you; upfront, we curse it in the name of Jesus!
The Bible says; and whatsoever Adam called it, that was the name thereof. We choose to say, it must be a happy new year in the name of Jesus Christ!
I’ll like you to prophesy to yourself and everybody around you, including every spirit that; “This is my Year of Marvelous Light.” Church Gist. It’s our culture as a Ministry to dedicate the First Service of every year to expand on the prophetic word and that’s what I’ll be doing very briefly.
Speak to me, oh God, by the power of your Spirit in the name of Jesus.
The first thing I want to communicate tonight, very quickly before we pray is the idea of prophetic words. You’ll realize that when it has to do with yearly prophetic word, we have different views across the Body of Christ. There are people who generally believe that prophetic words are not needed. Church Gist. In fact, others may stretch it to believe that that is absolutely nonsense and based on how they explain it, they might be very right and correct from their perspective but then, I wrote something down here;
“Yearly prophetic words can become a mere ritual (a church or denominational ritual) that has no life and no power in it.”
I further wrote here that; Knowing the Lord, growing in grace and accessing all the tools allocated for an effective Christian life has nothing to do with a new year or a prophetic Word. That means, as far as knowing the Lord is concerned, growing in grace and accessing the mysteries, the keys of the Kingdom that makes for an excelling life, whether it is January, November or December, the moment light comes, it has the ability to lift you up. So, it doesn’t necessarily have to do with a new year or the end of a year.
We grow and are established in this Kingdom every time we access the knowledge of the truth. However, in spite of the aforementioned, God is and remains a God of time and season. Church Gist. In as much as He does not dwell in time, but He carved out time and separated it into three dimensions; past, present, future – to be able to help man relate with Him. So, everything God does with respect to man, He does it in time, including His mercy.
So, God is and remains a God of times and seasons, His workings on earth and in the life of the believer also subscribes to the law of times and seasons. When Jesus Christ walked upon the earth as God incarnate, He did not violate the law of time and season, from His coming as a baby in the womb of Mary, He stayed patiently to subscribe to the law of time and season. Jesus was not born an adult; He was born a baby and the Bible records according to Luke 2:52 that Jesus increased, that means He grew with time. The Bible is not ashamed to show us baby Jesus, teenager Jesus at age 12 (learning), adult Jesus at age 31. These are all functions of time and Jesus Himself said, “I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day.” He added timing even to His assignment.
When Jesus went to the cross and died, it was a function of time. After three days, He came back to life. So, it is not unscriptural when God guides people within the frame of times and seasons.
Yearly prophetic words reveal God’s emphasis to us per season and per time. God is not doing the same thing all the time. He has emphasis per season and per moment and yearly prophetic word affords us the opportunity to hear from God and to know what God is doing per season. It also helps us to know the roles that we have to play as far as our partnership with God is concerned. Church Gist. It also tells us the blessings that come as a result of discernment and alignment. So, when we open up our hearts to yearly prophetic word as believers and more so as a global family of faith, we accept this to mean that God is doing something within this season with us and we seek to find out His emphasis within this moment.
I’ve said it here but for the sake of emphasis, let me just bring it again that, there are three dimensions of the anointing:
1). The anointing that is within the believer by reason of being grafted into Christ.
2). The anointing upon the believer by reason of your call and assignment.
3). The grace that comes upon you by reason of discerning what God is doing within a season.
So, it is possible to have the anointing that comes as a believer, it is possible to have the anointing that comes upon your office as far as your contribution to Kingdom advancement is concerned and yet, not have the anointing that makes for relevance per season. Church Gist. So, it is possible to find out that certain people are greatly featured in God’s program per season and when God moves in another dimension (this is not backsliding), they are still there but not His current emphasis. There is always a grace that follows those who can through discernment and alignment understand what God is doing per season. Prophetic word helps us to know what God is doing so that we can release our faith.
1 Peter 2:9
The Bible tells us what you have been called out of darkness and what you have been called into is light. “You have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light.” It is the marvelous light that actually makes you a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar kind of people, that the prophets before now desire to walk in certain levels of truth but were not granted and that God reserve this body of truth (Marvelous light). Marvelous light means so many things, but that we are that generation that have been granted by the Spirit and by the mercy of God access to this body of spiritual truth that the Bible calls, not just light but marvelous light.
Light in scripture has always carried an expression of grace and power and an expression of God Himself. The few times that the Bible connects light to satan and that is to reveal him as a deceiver. For instance, the Bible says, satan appears as an angel of light. The Bible never says he is an angel of light and then, the Bible lets us know that historically, he was the light bearer, the son of the morning, he was the custodian of the mysteries of the kingdom. This was his assignment before pride and treason brought him down and he was judged to become what he is today. Church Gist. The Bible is also not afraid to let us know that, when God made him (satan), the light bearer, it was him who was allocated to Eden, the Garden of God and many things happened and he was driven out, then man came the remaining is history. But it is important for us to know that, light in scripture has always carried a positive connotation. We are going to look at a few of them, so that we really understand the implication of being custodians of marvelous light:
1). Light according to Scripture represents insight and illumination into the truth of God’s Word.
Every time light is used in scripture, it is used to express insight and illumination (Ephesians 1:15-23). When the Bible talks about light and even marvelous light, it means supernatural and unusual access to illumination and insight.
Knowledge is very important in this Kingdom. This is a Kingdom where dominion happens at the instance of light and knowledge (Hosea 4:6, Psalm 82:5-7). Knowing what God has done for you in Christ is not enough; you must know what it takes to make that revelation become a reality in your life. Church Gist. There are so many frustrated Christians who continue to jump and say God has done this, the Bible says this and they are right but they are not complete because the goal is not just awareness, it must become manifest in your life. So, when God says it is our year of Marvelous light, it means by His Spirit, He’s going to be granting us access to high level of insight and spiritual illumination. That means, He will open to us, by His Spirit, the deep things as far as the knowledge of the ways of God is concerned and when you find knowledge, then you are already on course for a victorious life.
2). Marvelous light means also that God is going to be granting us understanding. There is a difference between knowledge and understanding; knowledge just means the awareness; the information that brings to you the awareness of a possibility. It does not necessarily mean that it must become your experience. Understanding is the next level. Church Gist. Understanding is such a powerful miracle, when you read the Bible, theologians omit miracles like the miracle of understanding, they don’t add it to the miracles of Jesus. Most times you will see the opening of the blind eyes, multiplying of bread but you don’t see them add understanding. But let me tell you, understanding is a powerful miracle. Remember the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch, he was reading the prophecy of Isaiah about the death of Jesus and he did not understand it at all. When Philip joined him, he said; “understandest what thou readest?” And he said, “how can I, except some man teach me.”
Acts 18:24-26; Job 32:8
Understanding is a gift; God gives understanding to men.
- May that miracle happen to you in Jesus’ name!
The microphone is a gadget designed to amplify my voice. There are thousands of people that are able to hear me simply because I’m holding this device. It takes more than knowledge to use, it takes understanding. I can give you this mic to sustain the power to amplify your voice and ease your communication but if you do not know how to activate it, you can hold a mic that is so powerful and yet have the same result as someone that does not even know that there is a mic. Church Gist. Lack of understanding put you, even though knowledgeable at the same level with an ignorant person. It is very frustrating because the one who does not know and the one who is just aware will painfully have the same result.
Understanding is the fortitude for comprehension; the ability to know how to apply knowledge in a way that profit you. Understanding answers the question, “How?” Knowledge answers the question, “What?” Most people know what to do but they do not know how to do it. It is the same Bible that the rich and the poor hold, it is the same Bible that the mediocre and the great hold, in fact it may be the same Church and pastor, the difference is understanding. Hundred people can shout Amen and only two will have Amen manifest in their lives. It is not because the Word that came from the man of God is a lie, Amen came upon a head that is knowledgeable but there is no understanding. Understanding is a real miracle.
Mastery happens at the realm of understanding. The Bible says, he that strives for mastery is not crowned except he strives lawfully
- It is my prayer that this year, God will take us away from guessing, just guessing what you think is the way and you can stand with confidence to say by the privilege of God’s mercy, I understand how this happens!
- May you know what to do and may you understand how to do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
There are people who can cook for three – five people. Once they are three-five, that’s alright but the moment they become a crowd, the dynamics of producing the result change. There are people who can drive an ordinary small car, they will drive it with mastery but give them a truck, it is still driving but the dynamics change. Church Gist. When God gives you hundred members, there is a way to pastor hundred members, when God gives you one thousand, there is a way to do it. It is still pastoring but the dynamics change. Many of you are unable to enter into the next level of your prophetic destiny because you have not gained mastery on the ways of God to know what to do and to understand how to do it. You must cry for understanding.
3). Access to supernatural direction (Psalm 119:105). You’ve heard this example and I’ve given it myself that, no matter how excellent and how expensive a car is, the moment it is night, the most important factor as far as visibility is concerned is not the colour of the dark, the brand and the make of the car; it is the level the headlamp and the light that comes from it. Church Gist. So, men may laugh at you, let night come. You may look small but the factor that determines advancement; anybody can laugh when it is day but when the night comes, it is those who have high level spiritual illumination, when your headlamp is alive and active.
Psalm 43:3
Even darkness from afar looks like light. You will need high level of light to be able to discern between light and darkness in the days that we’re living in.
John 11:9-10
Marvelous light means access to direction by the word of God, telling you what to do in a way that produces wonderful results in your life.
- May that be your testimony in the name of Jesus!
4). Marvelous light means access to life (John 1:4). There is a relationship between light and life (John 10:10). Light did not just come so that you may see but so that you may have life and that you will have it more abundantly. Light is very important and life is important. We have so many teachings to deal with this year by the grace of God and one of it, we are going to be examining the concept of life, not life as living but the Bible says, if that same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in your mortal bodies; it tells you that there is an administration of life that happens to you by reason of passing through the womb of a woman and having blood. Church Gist. The life of a flesh is in the blood but that there is a kind of life that comes to you, not just because of the blood that you carry but by reason of the living Spirit of God that lives within you.
Let me tell you this, I don’t mean to scare you, I’m speaking to a global audience, but you see, this pandemic and many other things, what you see is not all that will happen. You will need more than injection, more than some treatment; you will need to have a revelation of another administration of life working within you. These are days where you cannot pretend that you know these things. The environment will test you.
Marvelous light means access to superior light. Now, it has become a Pentecostal cliché when we talk about the life of God dwelling within a man, no! It is true. Don’t feel bad that you may not have attained unto it experientially, it still does not matter. The Spirit of the living God representing the life of God, when He indwells the believer, there is a reaction that happens by reason of the presence of the Spirit that affects your body. Church Gist. The presence of the Holy Spirit does not just affect your spirit alone, it translates to your body. We have to know this, so that people don’t just walk around and die just because you can breathe; you will need to show the excellency of your connection with the spirit of life. This happened as we know historically in Spokane during the days of John G. Lake, that when the plague was killing people, that man seems to be invisible and immune to that plague and then they found out that he understood that God dwells in me; this is not just empty bragging that causes casualty, it is a revelation from Heaven.
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